Hare Hare Krsna!!!
AgtSP!!! Paoho. 11.29PM...... BAD headaches starting. Time to sleep rest, or we may get a brain stroke.
We fought with the Witch today?
Did you?
We fight with her everyday. She is very nice!! We fight. We learn!!! We fall. We get up!
Three hour home program today. Only time we have gone out in two weeks. We are hoping to travel back to our Base Camp on Wednesday. Two days from now.
We did a lot of Yahoo and Whatsapp letters. Just one from Anandamaya and Karuna mayi Das. He is in FMP. Whatsapped us. Used the current Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code, so.... we answered him.
The ducks that get closer get more bread.
Don't be afraid of death. It will be very purifying. Krsna will be with your helping you to wake up!! KRSNA!
O.K. Take rest. So much contact with so many friends. So many!!! So, so many.
VDM (ASA Archives?)
Sataka Fourteen
1 Worship the forest far from the ocean of ignorance, flooded with the wonderful ocean of knowledge, and splendid with Sri Sri Radha-Krsna’s pastimes.
2 What is the use of this network of illogical ideas? Cut the network of illusion and fly, O bird, to the beautiful forest of Vrndavana.
3 Cut the great ropes of misplaced hope, leave the poison forest of sense gratification, and fly, O bird of my heart, to the nectar forest of Vrndavana.
4 O! O, when will this fool cross the lofty Vindhya Mountains of pride in his wealth, learning, and noble birth, and find the sweetness of Vrndavana?