Dhruva Reporting on ISKCON-Australia

4 years, 11 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja,

pamho agtsp

HpS - Please accept ours! We are so, so, sad when we read this letter. We think of everyone in ISKCON Australia: You, Dhan., kids, parents, Laksmi, Raktaka family, MADHU-MANJARI DEVI DASI and so many more. We miss you.

It was so nice for me to hear your class on varnashram and Bhagavat dharma live today; a great refresher of your life’s work. I wish that you will empower me to carry at least one spec of sand for you. If I cannot do this, I do not deserve the kindness you have drowned me in.

ASA - 😳 We are just beasts that Srila Prabhupada has taught to dance.

Dr. Mabbett and I have been exchanging emails.

HpS - Wonderful!!!

The last six months in Australia have been fire, flood, and now pandemic. Dr. Mabbett and his good wife seam [seem] to be fairing well through it all. Although he has now fully retired from academic work, he is currently working on a book of his life’s philosophy. I will try to obtain a copy on completion as he is a very interesting teacher and he has a good heart.

HpS - Super... We can review it and sell it in Solaris (Viplavah).

Australia is gradually moving towards more strict lockdowns. Isolation is no stranger to us, as we like to be at home doing bhajan, puja, and study and we are used to spending a lot of time together. I am a full-time online student so these times are favorable to me, to us. My family is all well, due to Krsna’s mercy.

HpS - Radhika-ramana Das looked at all the rules and restrictions and realized that they already were doing all of them. We, devotees, are constantly in quarantine.

Current subjects I am taking at university: Freud and philosophy, 20th Century French philosophy, and Religion, Rights, and Governance. Only 6 subjects left (including the 3 that am currently enrolled in) to finish the bachelor's.

HpS - Can you wear a Black Robe with a Mortar Board hat, shake hands with the President (and use sterile wipe afterwards)! Bachelor (B'cari), Master (Swami), PhD/Doctor of Philosophy (Teacher of Love of Wisdom) = Bhakti- Veda-Anta

Just before the pandemic exploded, I completed 5 weeks teaching Bhakti Shastri and general Shastra Studies at the Gurukula here for the high school students — grades 7-12. For the Bhakti Shastri I chose to study with them the book you carry around your neck. They all wrote nice essays. It was a very informative experience for me — many insights about the state of education today.

We pray this meets you in good health, and we pray that you give us some shelter/service always.



ps, the Freud lecture slide was unintentional but I can’t remove it. Anyways, that's an example of what I am studying at uni, I suppose. His conclusion are quite disturbing and unsatisfying, actually. Thank God for Jung and Prabhupada!.

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.

HpS - Jung said that Freud was to obsessed with sex, no? Maybe one of us was Freud in our last lives????

Thank you so much for this report!!!!! Best of wishes for your Sankirtan.... Continental conquest!