Hare Krsna Gurudeva!
Agt Guru and Gauranga!
Sorry I wrote you so often, I just wanted to tell You a few things about the drawing and the Karuna virus, which may help many devotees to protect themselves from it, in addition to other diseases.
They are links that in my opinion are very useful, because they come from people who are highly trusted for their personal work and humanitarian actions as far as I know. And much more if you compare it with the pharmaceutical debase bill killers.
Now I would like to leave you the link to a video about a painter, who even says with his painting that he finds it hard to remember the work he has done in the past, as if time was only the present. Why do we underestimate people so much that in their field of action they demonstrate that the soul can live on much higher planes than matter, and that they are like little proofs that there are other planes as different scriptures explain?
On the next full moon I write to you.
Hare Krsna Maharaja.
Que tenga buenos días, con buen tiempo, y buena salud.
Hari Hari!!!
HpS - Thank you!!! AGTSP. We missed these letters some how!!!!!