Hare Krsna - Confusing Times

4 years, 9 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I was thinking how Krishna arranged things perfectly by sending you to Boise during these chaotic times. Such wonderful devotees there and always ready to serve you.

I am chanting my 16 rounds and following the principles. Initially I had problems doing my afternoon gayatri, but that has become regular now. We finished reading Devahuti and Kardamam muni's section in the third canto and are currently reading SB 3.26. We are reading Ramayna from Vedabase everynight before going to bed.

HpS - !!!

Because of the virus scare, the temple is now currently closed and only the devotees who are responsible for deity services are allowed into the temple. I did my first Raj bhoga arathi service on Sunday, before the temple closure.

I was dressing Gaura Nita on Thursday nights and now, they have stopped night dressing. Only time the deities are dressed is in the morning and that too in their night dresses. The garland services that Divya Sri was doing is also suspended. I still do Srila Prabhupada's Guru puja arthi on Wednesday and Thursday. Divya Sri has Tulasi seva at the Tulasi house on Wednesday. So we still have a chance of taking Darshan of Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji at least 2 days a week.

HpS - Jaya!

Dallas has a shelter in place order from today for 2 weeks. I have been working from home and contrary to what I thought, I have been working more that I would do when I go to the office.

My work visa is up for renewal and we filed extension a month back. At that time the processing times were 3-5 months. With the lockdowns that are happening, I don't know how long before I'll know if my visa is extended.

In the beginning of March, we signed a contract to buy a house close to the temple (2 mins walking, even closer than where we are currently). We are now very confused on how to proceed with the house. I have been praying to Kalachandji to give me a strong indication to back out, but everything has been in our favor. They agreed to the price we asked, agreed to all the major repairs we wanted, the bank approved the loan and the monthly principal and interest is 1108. We would like to ask your advise on whether we should proceed with the house in the current circumstances Gurudeva.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - I can't predict the future. Mode of ignorance is very prominent now. We try to make practical decisions. We try to all be friends in this world and Krsna will make enough problems to keep pushing us out, like M. Parishit, but we can do good service as He wants on the way out.

So, make a good estimate of the future. Look with some respect to the indications from Krsna and "yare deke tare kaha..", wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell them Krsna's instructions in BG, SB etc. and by L. C.'s order, become Guru.