DTC Tu(17)

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, Jaya Sri Vrndavana Dhama.

How are you?

Karuna virus encircles us. Everyone is conscious of it.

Our community and nation are reacting to it with intelligence and physical resources.

In any case we cannot avoid death and dis-ease. We like ease! The easy life, but we get bored unless there is dis-ease, strong struggle to take it away from us.

Dual-ality. What about real-ality?

Yoga postures. Yama/Niyama - Dos and don'ts. Breath control. Karma (Get a good garden (get a good nation))... but Hare Krsna/Hare Rama... it is all included, easiest process. Chanting and dancing!





Sankirtan! Hare Krsna // Hare Rama... at the lotus feet of Krsna... in the choir of His angels.

Rented a car. Best way to get to the airport. Of course, we fear the car has Karuna virus (KV). We can't wipe it down, because all the hand wipes have been bought.

Took the Mercedes for emission testing. It passed but does not show up on line so we can't complete the registration until we return.

Cooked Kitri, Orange juice and pudding for Lord Nrsmha deva.

Leave for the airport at 5AM and get to Boise about noon.

The mothers are telling the men, 'Stay home. Don't go out'. The men are saying, 'Life goes on. We have to visit the sick and wounded. Repair the wind mill.'

Preaching is the best standard for establishing material functioning. It is a lighthouse in the storm, ocean.

If we stay at home, there is no guarantee that things will get better. Trust no future no matter how bright. They may only get worse and society may collapse and this may be our last chance to see people on the West coast.

O.K. Hare Krsna!!! We will be in Boise for one week.