KDPC Report 18 & 19

4 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous later [Letter] :10878 ..... date: 20200315, From Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Thank you for your response to multiple letters. Hope your body is working fine between the virus pandemic.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Hare! The Virus IS the Pandemic!!

Its again the arrangement Supersoul. The moment we decided to write some thing about Viplavah (node: 10879), all letters were answered.

HpS - We saw it and hope that we keep track of it and will look to publishing it in the next or maybe the Janmastami issue because that is our annual academic focused issue.


Wife and kid have shifted to Varanasi. Temple, Home and office are in triangle with each length ranging from 1.6km-3.2km. Chanting going on though little mechanically, but still on. Trying to visit temple for evening Tulsi-Gaur Arti. Morning program is going on. 3.9 rules intact. Kinder Garten level going fine

HpS - Super. Mechanical chanting goes to organic chanting goes to mental chanting goes to ...

Area of improvement: Systematic program for reading.

ASA - Lilamrta daily during breakfast. Parikshit reads a page daily out loud to you...?


need to write Viplavah as instructed in node:10879.

It might be good idea that you can come with Prof Bandyopadyay to BHU, in next trip.

trying to be of utility.


HpS - Arranged a phone call with Prof. B. day before yesterday with Radhika ramana Das. It has been three weeks since we called. We feel so bad, but we get drowned by all the social conflicts, admnistrative work etc... He has had some internal infection and have intense intervention. We hope that all of his association with Srila Prabhupada will carry him away at the time of changing bodies!