Hare Krsnna.
We have a sore throat, mucos but no fever, but most of the time we we a sore throat and mucous. It is a fight that we always have with a 72-year old body.
Several people are concerned that we take proper care of our body with this situation.
I think we are. We have daily association with Nitai-gaura-sundara Das. He is in charge of Geriatric medicine at his psychiatric hospital, so he is iinformed continuously about the situation, and we also have association with Amit and Visnu-carana Das, who are also both doctors.
We cancelled our travel to highly infected areas, but came to RIchmond and still are planning to go to Boise, and Latin America.
We are waiting to see any new news or rules. We are informed that there are so many viruses that are killing old people already. No one is broadcasint ghe news of their manifestacion or mortalities.
Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati said that preaching with material distress with preaching is preferable to material distress without preaching. So, we are trying to be sensible, but not neglect the urgency of our work. There will aways be material challenges to traveling and preaching.