KDPC , Hari bol from Madrid

4 years, 10 months ago by Bhacktamarcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - This letter was exactly the same as the other.

For us your work is so essential. There is so much content in Srila Prabhupada's books to fuel the work of any academically minded person. Such people can give specific plans to more action oriented folks. Can you please send your Whatsapp address here? I will see it but not post it.

I know several people who were attached to self-medication, smoking. Chanting all the time you are smoking is of course the best cure. One cases the person began to give up smoking very quickly but them realized that there were very deep reasons why he was smoking and that he had to deal with those before he could handle the superficial manifestation. Another was able to quit on one cigarette! HK/HR.