Letter to Shonu Shamdasani

4 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category B

AGTSP paoho. We have been struggling, struggling, struggling with our institutional efforts to contact Dr. Shamdasani et al to push forward our dialog between Jung and the Bhagavata. Bhati Vijnana Swami told us once, "Jung is essential for our preaching!" but so many difficulties. So, we are finally just writing a letter from our actual lowly position to him with copy to esteemed!!! Professor Bernardo Nante.


Esteemed Prof. Shamdasani,

We hope you remember us. We were the Bengali Sannyasi who gave you the Laddus and a copy of our magazine, Solaris, when you were on stage in Buenos Aires with the very poweful Prof. Bernardo Nantes. Later we were able to participate in the programs in Cordoba.

We have been developing East-West bridges with National Museum of India, Govenors of West Bengal, three day excellent Seminars on Contribution of Ancient India Toward Making a Better World,

National Library of PeruPsychology and the Sacred,

San Marcos University (oldest in the Western hemisphere), Lima,

And ISKCON (now with one million members).

Our most active title is "Science, Psyche and Spirituality: The Encounter of Prof. C. G. Jung with the Mysticism of Ancient India".

We would love to converse with you for any given time, but we feel that you are far too busy for that, and would like to know if there is anyone you can recommend who is conversant with Jung's cosmology, development of this ideas, and would resonate with integrating these with Indian, Caitanya Vaisnavism, for general illumination of this world.

As a common academic standard there are texts such as Prof. David Haberman's translation of the 15th century, Bhakti-rasa-amrta-sindhu, of Rupa Goswami and of course, our Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami's, translations.

We will be in Argentina in April and hope to continue work in this area with Prof. Bernardo Nantes et al. He has been essential inspiration to us, and guided us most recently, to "Jung in India". Of course, in this effort we have read "Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology" et al.

Thank you so much for any time and direction in this matter.

(Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, after reviewing all of the major Western philosophers commented with some intensity, that amongst all of them Carl Jung seemed to have the most common sense!)

Hanumatpresaka Swami (Prof. Huber H. Robinson)

NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies)