Govardana⛰ --Sonu Shamdasani interview in Cba-

5 years ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias 🌺

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 🌼

Todas las glorias a usted 🌷

It's been a while since I wrote this letter but I didn't send it. Sorry for my poor communication.

Thank you very much for your visit, for your dedication, patience and love. A wave of enthusiasm came to hear your classes, to have your association. Thank you

I know I have a lot to improve and sometimes I feel that I am getting further and further away from the goal. These last years have been very big tests and changes ... As life is. I feel that everything shows me that one must become more and more serious, because nothing is easy, nor will it be at the time of death

Today, more than ever, I find meaning and joy in knowing that Krsna promises that every advance one makes is not lost. I feel that I have not advanced for a long time, even that I am going backwards… but I know that they are clouds that cover the consciousness and sadden.

Yesterday I found these two interview videos with Sonu Shamdasani that the Jungians of Cordoba made during the time he was here. They say they will publish the third part soon.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Su humilde sirvienta,

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - Jaya!!!! We will write a letter to him and Bernardo Nantes now! Thank you. One who does good my friend is never over come by evil.

We are struggling to get the LOB readings onto so, many obstacles. They will stay, I think for 3-months before they are automatically erased, so we can work on them while we are in Argentina!!!!

We look for tickets now. Yesterday found the best tickets but robot would not accept reservation.