Govardhana. Rama Navami in Chosica!

4 years, 11 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho. AGTSP!

This one just to invite you to spend Rama navami Festival in Chosica.

We will prepare a very nice festival since we have Sita-ram-laksmana-hanuman here. Seems appropriate, right? And weekends in Chosica are nice as well. Even you can stay the first part of your tour in Chosica. I mean, you arrive and stay in Callao and next day you go to Chosica like in the afternoon when we usually celebrate Rama Navami festival (from 4.15 onwards)

Then you can stay, if you want, from thursday to sunday 3pm more or less. I think is more healthy for you than running around for Lima, at least this first part of your trip. Then, next weekend you can visit the other centers, Wilson, San Borja, Miraflores, etc. That's my suggestion. Please consider it. If you agreed, we can do nice programs. Maybe a seminar on VAD on friday (Very appropriate since we just celebrated Lord Ramacandra as ideal king and ideal husband), and an education thing on saturday, and Fiesta de Domingo. I think is a nice idea. We'll work hard to do a nice weekend program. That's my humble suggestion. Please, it will be nice for your health and for our benefit.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

HpS - ASA ...We have been discussing this with other devotees also! Yes, we should show our Rama-raja, the government of Rama to the world!

Thurday is for the whole world!! Yet, not to many people can come on Thursday, no? So we can celebrate Thursday at home, (your home, Sita Rama especially at home in Chosika) and then M. Kausalya can bring the "baby' out on Sunday!??

ie. Work in in Lima Th, Fri, Sat and then spend Sunday early morning until night in Chosika.?