Aindavi’s sadhana report and recent news- GOVARDHANA

4 years, 11 months ago by aindavidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dearest Gurudeva,

Please accept my profound respects and obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, to the guru-parampara and to you! Ananta koti vaishnava vrinda ki Jaya!

I’m grateful for having the opportunity to write to you. Praying that the Lord kindly keeps you in good health.

HpS - He is the Guru! Srila Prabhupada is our General. Who is Captain of our Unit is a natural attachment, but we have to develop a supernatural connection with all these authorities.

I moved to Houston a month ago, I consider myself very fortunate and blessed to be here, I feel total gratitude to be surrounded by dedicated devotees who are also your well wishers, after I left Mexico almost 6 years ago I hadn’t been in a community where they know you neither have god siblings around (except for Dallas, with Srinath Krsna prabhu and Sri Divya) but devotees here appreciate you and like your preaching very much, and CC prabhu reminds me of you so much!

By your grace I’ve been attending mangal-aratik at the temple 98,99% of the times, chanting 18 rounds everyday- on this note- I’ve been reading and memorizing the Japa Affirmations from the pocket book by Mahatma prabhu, it’s helping me to chant with the proper mindset and mood [most of the times] to approach the Holy Names as something sacred and dear to me. I registered to take the japa retreat with HH Romapada Swami in two weeks, you and the pure exalted vaishnavas from our tradition emphasize and praise the chanting of the Holy Name, you always instruct me to “chant, chant, chant” so I think, if this is the essence of all our practice, if the Holy Names are going to stay with me at the very end of my physical life and They’ll go with me even beyond that...then I better make it my priority, I have a desire to improve my chanting and to connect with Krsna through ‘Hare Krsna’. I’m also following the 4 regs. Waking up my home and traveling deities, Sri Sri Nitai Mayapur Candra every day and offering them water and whatever I cook, when I do so. Leading Gaura aratik on Mondays and Fridays for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava. I also make chandan for the deities on Fridays. And I attend to Conscious Houston on Wednesdays, an outreach program. Learning vaishnava songs, to enter the mood of Gaura Purnima, I chose Parama Karuna and Arunodaya Kirtan as for these couple of weeks. I finished reading Twirl Your Beads, there were many insights and poems that you wrote that I like. Thank you once again for the sincerity in your service gurumaharaja. I’m currently reading How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, I’ve heard it’s a good one to improve communication with children, be more effective with them and supportive of oneself, make the relationships less stressful and more rewarding, it gives practical advices, promotes skills and the book even has exercises.

Work wise, I’m about to start my 4th week at the Goswami Academy, I’m a teacher assistant for PreK 2 and 3 (they are the little ones at the school) and I’m also the after school teacher, I teach Spanish to the children in PreK 4 and 1st & 3rd grade on Wednesdays, my work hours are Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. I’m excited and really looking forward to learn from Vaikuntha Priya Mataji [Vaikuntha Lakmi?] and Rama Giridhari prabhu, who will be with us this week. I signed the contract with the school until the middle of July, we’ll see how Krsna wants us to serve him after that...! (?) I’m praying to be given the intelligence to see (maybe understand?) and follow His plan.

I’m praying to Krsna to let me see you and serve you when you come back to this dham in June. Please keep me in mind for any services that you may need for the symposium or anything like that.

I was carefully looking at your itinerary in the calendar and it says “June-August— based in the Boro?” Is there a possibility for you to stay in Houston after the symposium instead of going back to Tennessee? And what about the month of September? It might be a good option for you to take a break from traveling and give some nice rest to your body.

I’ve been wanting to study Bhagavatam systematically, (I haven’t passed from the 3rd canto, and it’s been a long time since then). My reflection is that in order to love Krsna, to know how He is, what does He like, who is His family, friends, and devotees, to develope a genuine relationship with Him and also to keep nourishing my faith I need to read more Prabhupada’s books, Srimad Bhagavatam. So I would like to ask you for guidance here, do you know of any programs or anything that you could recommend me for this?

I keep in contact with my family, parents, sister, grandma and doggie who at the moment are living in Mexico. Thanks Krsna over all they are well. Hopefully if is Krsna’s will, one day we’ll be all serving together.

To end this letter, I would like to request you to please send me a hard copy and also a digital copy of your Diary of a Traveling Creature if available and possible. My temporary address is 1407 W 34th 1/2 St, Houston, Texas, 77018.

Thank you very very much Gurudeva for your service, love, kindness, truthfulness and compassion, for settling and leading with your example. As I have said it before, your life is a sublime offering to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and the whole disciplic succession.

Jaya Jaya Radhe Jaya Jaya Syam Jaya Jaya Sri Vrndavana Dham!!!

Aspiring to be your eternal servant,

Aindavi devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- AgtSP.... paoho.... We heard about you from Rukmini Devi Das also! Subhra Devi Dasi... Of course, with the rapid spread of the Karuna Virus all travel plans are changing quickly. It is so simple, just calm down and listen and Krsna is there? We may be asking, "Which car should I bay???", and if we really listen He may be saying, "Buy a horse, don't by a car".

We have to be ready to hear things that require surrender of our prestige, fame, comfortable self image.

In the end its only a reflection of ourselves in a projection.

Who are we?

Just get out as quick as possible, unless Krsna wants us to play a role here.