Einstein Wave Theory

5 years ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

Hari Bol,

please find as ordered.

http://www.bwcindia.org/Web/QuarterlyJournal /2018/Compassionate_Friend_Winter_2018_Vol_XLI_No_4.pdf page 11

When living creatures are slaughtered or killed, the waves emitted are known as Pain Waves. This phenomenon has been completely and experimentally observed. These Pain Waves are technically nociception waves. As Albert Einstein was highly concerned about violence taking place, around 1924 he showed a great interest in stopping killing of living creatures and published several comments in favour of a compassionate way of life. We have named these pain waves as Einstenian Pain (EP) waves to show our respect to the world-renowned great scientist. There has been no difference in the views and ideas of Albert Einstein and the experimental observations which we have witnessed. In slaughter houses and other centres of killing (mechanised and non-mechanised) these EP Waves were vigorously studied at several places, for example, Brain Research Institute, Gurugram (Haryana): National University.

We reported our work with detailed experiments in India and abroad and we also presented them in the presence of several scientists. Mechanism in non-mathematical simple words. It has been found that EP Waves are different from the waves which we encounter from other sources and these waves are just opposite of compassion waves. EP waves are extremely dangerous, brutal and damaging and have been found to cause several earthquakes.

ASA - UG -- Thank you very many. We will have to look at the link above. This sounds like a good article for Viplavah, Fall issue. Are they electro-magnetic waves? How are they measured.