Gauranga!!!! How to deal with crazy people

4 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

I hope this meets you well.

HpS - Actually it meets us in good spirits, but we are having chest pains more regularly. We are trying to adjust our life style.

Gurudeva I am a very impulsive girl.

HpS - So is Radharani.

Sometimes I do not know how to deal with some kind of situations. Specially when some #&#&# people talk about yourself or whenever they attack me.

This topic is linked with a letter than NN wrote complaining about some Bhakti Sastri teachers who are your disciples. He because is a he is always making critics about the movement, the gurus, the devotees, the philosophy and so forth. So one that I say that's it!!!!

He is always making inadequate comments about Iskcon and some authorities not in chosica allow him to make Kirtan and give classes. I ask myself if he did not like the philosophy why do not just leave. He is always trying to get the attention posting things on Facebook offending etc.

Recently I posted something regarding him in a very angry way. But then I guess that it is just a waste of time.

Some disciples have already presented a document complaining about him. But he continues posting things and uses my posts etc. It seems that he has plenty of time. Because I had blocked many of his accounts he continues creating and creating new ones.

Well my question is until what moment shall I put up with with this situation. Actually, I am very busy living my life. But it is sometimes annoying all these things. Sorry to bother you.

I guess that the cow will moo but the caravan will pass.

I do not understand why some authorities do not do anything about this.

Thanks Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - AGTSP. We have to deal with physical hygiene every day. It is so bad that we cannot do it in public. Just so we have to deal with these situations. O.k.?

I cannot give much detailed advice. Unless we can focus in on one detail in a certain way.