Gauranga LOB video 12

4 years, 11 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category B
Hare Krishna
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to You Guru Dev
This is the link to text 12 of the LOB:

Thank you 🙏

your servants
Vrsabhanu nandini dd
Ambarisa Das


HpS/ASA - Thank you. AGTSP!! Paoho... We are trying to be like Srila Prabhupada and do a lot of service. This LOB reading and commentary seems like it might be useful, but posting the link to you each day is a struggle. Priorities. Maybe we can just do it like this. You send the YouTube links and then we send you the links.

O.K. LOB 12-finished. Tomorrow is 19. So, we owe you 15h -20th.

We go to GoToMeeting and look for them:

15th/lob 13 =

16th/lob 14 =

17th/lob15 =

18th/16 =

19th/lob17 =

20th/lob 18 =

Takes us a little time to do this. We do a pretty good job. It is 7.06PM here in Murfreesboro. Sunset was 5.30PM. It was very, very beautiful. Even poorest man can see a Hollywood spectacular for free by grace of Nanda's son.

It is below freezing. Went walking with NgD. Sometimes Dr. Desai and Vijaya Ji go. They are both out of town.

We are feeling chest pains, constriction. Maybe from putting lot of stress on heart to work in this cold weather.

Trade a stomach ache for a head ache or a heart ache.

Maybe we can give you the password for gotomeeting and you can download them directly.

Hare Krsna!!🦍