DTC 4(Tu)

5 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!

  • We answered a lot of letters.
  • We prepared for the SB class and made our presentation.
  • Worked on the Sankirtan calendar for North America with RGD and RKD (Texas).
  • Also... started to look at the tickets for Peru (Chile-Argentina??). Thinking of arriving for Rama-navami, 2nd April. Nice festival! Welcome appearance of Lord Ramacandra into our hearts, Sankirtan!

If we buy a round-trip-ticket from Nashville (Houston) to Lima it is $650

If we take the same ticket directly from Houston to Lima it is $840. Robots are crazy. Longer trip is cheaper.

Guess we buy tomorrow.


April 2-May 26 Lima then other local tickets within that.

BROTHER ASS's eyes hurt. He is pretty happy. Monkey and Piggy offered all the popcorn and popsicles to Lord Nrsmha deva so they had to offer simple things like oranges, and oats with peas today.

Tomorrow is Ekadasi.

No morning SB class tomorrow. Esanga.org at 10 or 11AM. Then Thu/Friday special classes for Nityananda and Varaha!!!

Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna!!! Chant, chant, chant and Krsna will be able to always engage us in His plans!!!!!!!