Call for Articles

4 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Follows our letter to the Ministry of Education members and followers. It is a call for articles for the next Viplavah, March 9, 2020. You can also submit articles!!

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Hare Krsna, Prabhus,

AGTSP!  Paoho...

Hope this meets you well with Krsna driving your chariot.

We already have some excellent articles for the next Viplavah: Strong reading list for knowing Islam for interfaith dialog, report on the Bhaktivedanta Lawyer's Association meeting in Gainseville, North American Sastra Samela June 2020 etc.

We need:

Inspiration and strategy from our Minister of Education.

Quarterly Reports from Executive Committee Member: Who are you? What have you done and what do you plan to do during the past and next quarter etc, and same from Executive Secretary including reports from and status of Zonal Representatives.

Articles from Guru-bhakti Devi Dasi about BMA meeting, Subhra Devi Dasi about Primary School Education ni North America, Gandharva Das about Ed. Dev. in Andenan Community, Abhirama thakura Das General Ed. Dev. in South America, Rama-giridhari Das several articles not posted in last Viplavah, Radhika-ramana Das - "Next Issue" for the Summer, August Issue.

If we don't hear from you then our Sub-normal Staff of Mental Midgets from the Anjana Suta Academy will write something for you.

Lettuce set a dead-line of 23 February, Amavasya, three weaks from now, for articles. Of course, if you send them earlier then we will have chance for an editorial exchange.

That will give us one fortnight for final editing, formatting and release on...


ISKCON Ministry of Education, pioneering Spiritual LIfe into the Next Frontier!