BANANACICLE Lad good news

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

I didn't write before because I had to address some situations to give you good news.

ASA - The Godfather always wanted to hear bad news immediately.

In my last letters I have been very negative and prone to destructive criticism. I have tried to meditate on the situations I'm facing and I noticed that I only saw the negative. Perhaps frustration, envy, conceit, false ego was what led me in my analysis.

ASA - Wow! Very rare people can see their faults (if there are any).

I could see more clearly, for your inspiration, that the administrators face many problems and I have to be more understanding with them while pointing out what needs to be improved. In my specific case I'm talking about the authorities in the educational field.

So, I faced the situation and talked to my authorities. The results were very good. We agreed on some common points and communication began to flow.

ASA - HpS has had the same experience at several times. I was grumbling about the faults of different people in the Ministry of Education to our Minster, Sesa Das, and he said, "They are people, Maharaja!". I said, "Hmmfff. Ooooo!" and realized that I had forgotten. That everything changed. I was a normal human being again!

Now as a collaborator in the educational area I have several tasks:


1. We set some details for Bhakti sastri exam in March with the groups that needed to be examined with M. Candra mukhi as an examiner.

2. I was authorized to give a one-year BS, from March to December, and then retire.


1. I will give one in person for those who want to co-facilitate and prepare to lead the course.

2. I will give an online DC to some devotees who are asking me. Maybe I will go to retirement too.


1. We will start a course in March where new students can participate and as a review for those who were left behind and allow them to take Canto 1 and 2 examination with a little preparation. Two semesters as before. It concludes in December.

2. A situation to be resolved is the BVB examining center, so for now we call it the Pada Padma course.

3. I think I can start doing serious work in Pada padma with the idea of ​​accessing the exams of the Bhakti Vaibhava itself in the future.

4. Something to discuss in more detail is the development of the course itself. You have proposed to follow some study guides. Particularly I feel inclined to the tava pace pace. In any case, could a mixture be made? The issue of standardization concern me. Seeing that topic I think there has to be more freedom and consider each particular center. It is how the Ministry of State Education gives general guidelines and each educational institution puts its own mood, etc. So, I think we have to find a balance.

HpS - Oooo! The BOEX is working on that. I am pushing to get a good, simple, global examination going and don't worry about the details of the centers. Just see how their students pass the tests.


1. Inspired by what you do in other places and with the idea of ​​integrating more educational programs the temple I proposed a Pada padma in the temple. Of course, it will have a local certification and less requirements than the Pada padma on-line. It would be on Saturday mornings before our Bhagavatam class.

HpS - Great. Thirty chapters, 52-weeks. Nice breaks. For alumnos libres, ASA registered, BOEX BhVai candidates. Three levels?

2. Simple study guides, taken from tpp, would be used. And the requirements would be minimal such as regular attendance, and some simple essay and exam.

HpS - Level one and two?

Finally, from my conversations with Karuna Krishna and Gandharva Prabhus, an aspect emerged that I had not contemplated. Prabhu Karuna asked me about my relationship with Raman reti dd and told him that everything was going well. Then I realized talking with Gandharva that P. Karuna as an authority and a senior devotee was making sure that my VAD was fine. This would give me more credibility and moral transparency , so to speak.

ASA - Yes, we love you! Romeo and Juliet! Anthony and Cleopatra??? Tarzan and Jane!!!! (Ken and Barbie???) Devahuti and Kardama... ???

Later we can talk about more details, now that the environment is favorable.

Thank you very much for your understanding and support.

Your servant,


HpS - So nice to hear from you!!! So, nice! We are working on the PdP question bank. We will circulate with you.