“Govardhana”! Personal Sadhana Report

5 years ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj... Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj, Thank you so much for giving me initiation on your vyasapuja day and adding the best memory in my life. It was your birthday that day, i should have given you something but instead you gave the biggest gift of my life. Thank You dear Guru Maharaj.

I am following four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds daily. By your mercy I am doing some services in the temple and contributing something to Sri Radha Kalachandji.

Guru Maharaj this Feb 2nd we would be completing one year worshipping our deities Nitai Navadwip Chandra. THANK YOU so much Guru Maharaj for engaging us in their service. We love serving them.

Guru Maharaj our God Sister Rukmini Mataji from Peru is here with us. Urjeshwari Mataji a senior disciple of Tamal Krishna Maharaj who looks after the Gift Shop gave lots and lots of clothes including sarees for donation to the devotees of Peru. She said this is my small service to Maharaj. I was so touched maharaj by this humble gesture of Mataji.... I remembered you taking sarees to Peru the last time and felt that Sri Radha Kalachandji is so so merciful.

Guru Maharaj I like worshipping Lord Rama and have a liking towards Lord Rama from many years. Can we keep Lord Rama in our altar and worship him?

HpS - Yes... if you want a very special Deity will appear!

Guru Maharaj though I keep myself busy in some activities like stitching dresses for the deities and making jewellery for them, chanting, doing household chores but still sometimes I feel that I am doing nothing. I feel i should do some course and work for sometime. I dont know stiching still I somehow manage to learn the basics by myself, i feel i should join some classes for my hobbies or rather do some further course related to academics and start working rather sitting idle as I use to work in India.

These things keep rattling in my mind making me helpless to take decision. Please help me Maharaj and give me your blessings so that i may serve you and Srila Prabhupada.

Please always keep me in your service

Your Humble Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!! What do Srinath-k. Das and your family think? They see you often and can give practical perspective on you nature. Which books of Srila Prabhupada's do you like????