
5 years, 1 month ago by aindavidd in Other

Hare Krsna dearest Gurudeva, please accept my most respectful obeisances.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Jaya Guru-parampara! Jaya gaura-bhakta-vrinda!

Srila Gurudeva, I would like to thank you again for the time shared in Houston, for the darshan that you kindly gave me and the encouragement to pursue what my heart desires as an offering to guru and Krishna, I liked when you said “this is your journey of self-realization” , meaning to get to know and discover myself.

When I was in Houston I prayed to Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava to please show me the way I’m suppose to follow and to please please make it very clear to me, to give me clear signals so I know for sure what They want for me without doubts. So, I came back to Dallas, and everything changed, things got difficult here, long story short, I’m unemployed and I was indirectly requested to move out asap of the temple apartment . . . . . During my time in Houston Subhra mataji spoke to me about some positions opening in the Goswami Academy (GA), she asked me to apply to them in case I was interested on, which I really am. I have almost a year experience as a teacher assistant (this was back in 2016 when I lived in Providence, Rhode Island) and I remember my heart being to its highest level of happiness when I was working with children, almost at the same level I experienced doing harinama and book distribution in Mexico. Yesterday I sent her my resume and letters of recommendation, today I had a phone call interview with her, next step is having all the candidates next week going to the school to perform with children and we’ll be judge on those basis, then we’ll have to be patient and wait till they make a final decision about who they are going to hire.

Meanwhile my intention is to keep applying to other jobs in Houston in case I don’t get into the GA. I’m currently looking into options to move there, trying to figure out my living situation, talking to Manasi mataji, Giriraj Swami has also asked on my behalf to the temple authorities, so Nityanda prabhu (the Dallas TP).

The answer that we got is that there are some temple apartments for rent starting at $850 (studio).

This is a above my budget for now, because with bills it would be probably around $1000 per month, with car and insurance, $300 more plus groceries! (?) [huh, material world]. Do you have any suggestion for me? Any instruction?

HpS - No.... Of course, we may all be dead within three weeks from Corona influenza, but that is the material world. We don't know where we will live etc. Everything is a cinema being directly by Krsna. Just chant, chant, chant. He killed Maharaja Pariksit so that he could change his serviced quickly.

My idea is to start taking classes in a community collage this year, and finding out more about the Montessori certifications that they offer.

I keep chanting Hare Krsna on my beads and praying.

I’m so sorry if this letter was a little too overwhelming.

Please accept my respects and obeisances, vanca kalpa tarubhyas ca...


Aspiring to be your eternal servant,

Aindavi Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you. Chant, chant, chant!!!!!!!