BANANA BORO // Answering your questions //Krsna! Krsna!// Indira-Sakti Devi dasi

5 years ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho. Thank you for your note, answers, to the previous letters.

To summarize, you Sadhana and decisions seems great. What about running the restaurant once a week or something like that, so that devotees know what day it is open? May also not be good, but has worked sometimes very well other places.

🌻Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva 🌻

🌸my obeisances to your sacred feet🌸

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga!!

I felt bad for you when I read that the kitri caused you indigestion. I hope you are much better now.

We are here with Gandharva, the days around here in January are fresh, best of the year, now it rains a little. We are very happy doing more service at the temple.

I wrote to you in December Gurudeva, and you asked me some questions that I want to answer below:

1) HpS - ASA --- Did you post this at the Report link here in the Blog!!??? Have to do that also to satisfy the Borro Cracy!!!

Indira response: Yes Gurudeva I sent you 2 letters:

- one, is the anual report in this “Letters” sectión and

- another in “Reports” section 😊

Indira letter: -“…In the temple, I am currently cooking on Saturdays, the fifth and sixth offering of the day. I'm making garlands on Sundays. I am also replacing a few pujaris. I have also started serving the Vedabase, with Mitravinda mataji, in communication with Prabhu Prahlad Nrsimha…”

2)HpS - And also running the restaurant, no?

Indira response: Well, we are not doing it anymore Gurudeva, this experience as devotional service was wonderfull, to give prasadam, to preach, to be in the temple with devotees, etc. but actually, the average net income did not exceed 25 dollars a week, wich is divided with my sister and meant so little. In addition, my sister has 3 children, and its was turning a little bit hard not be in home.

 In my case my sadhana weakened a lot. Now, thanks to you, I am chanting 16 rounds again, 4 regulatory principles ok, and working hard to strengthen it. Doing more service (I am entering Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning to change the deities. I put ornaments on Goura Nitay. I have learned to make sweets for mangalartik. Reading more. Trying hard to control senses. 2020: No more chocolate.

Thank you for your immeasurable mercy Gurudeva, Im very happy!!

The good new is that in the restaurant, we meet people who want to know more about Krsna Conciousness. So I thinking to start a nama hatta o bhakti vriska group. What do you think about this Gurudeva? Please give me your instructions.

HpS - Thank you so, much!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we run to the evening program. Please go with Gandharva Das with us!!

Indira response: I will be there, Gurudeva! Thank you so much! 🌻

Chanting my rounds

I always ask Krishna to allow me

to be your disciple and thus,

learn how to be a servant,

how to love Him.


Chanting my rounds

I also ask you to allow me to love Krsna,

for that is your wonderful power.

Thanks for your valuable time Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Indira-Sakti Devi dasi