<KDPC> Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja

5 years, 1 month ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances ____o_

All glories to Srila Prabhupada🌷

All glories to you🌼

Because of you, I begin to understand Srila Prabhupada's books. I remember hearing your classes for the first time and feeling how everything became to have sense and depth meaning.

Because of your effort to keep us busy in Krishna consciousness, to constantly inspire us, to be so exemplary and transparent is reason that I can make some advance in spiritual life.

Your words guide me through this vast philosophy, in which I would be lost if it weren't for the perspective you show us.

The power of your realizations give strength to my faith.

HpS - AGTSP paoho We have only been able to make any physical or intellectual progress because Srila Prabhupada keeps pulling us! Personally we are lazy, greed, selfish, cruel! AGTSP!!! By his mercy we can hope to make progress and become and angel again!

You are a living proof that this process is genuine and works. Your unconditional love, your patience and generosity feed my bhakti creeper, which struggles to grow in the middle of so many weeds.

I want to offer you my existence, I want to leave all selfishness, illusion and obstacles to be a useful particle in this great Sankirtan movement.







Your apprentice servant

Vrshabhanu Nandini dd

P/D: Happy Birthday!!

HpS - Thank you. You are a good mother, good wife, good devotee (of course you have some few things to improve. 😂) Thank you for your association. Take Krsna and give Krsna wherever you go!!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Todas las glorias a Usted.

Gracias a usted es que pude comenzar a entender los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Recuerdo escuchar sus primeras clases y sentir como todo cobraba sentido y mayor profundidad. 

Gracias a su esfuerzo en mantenernos ocupados, en constantemente inspirarnos, en ser tan ejemplar y transparente, que yo puedo hacer algún avance. 

Sus palabras me van guiando en medio de esta filosofía tan vasta, en la cual estaría perdida si no fuera por la perspectiva que usted nos muestra. 

La potencia de sus realizaciones fortalecen mi fe.

Usted es la prueba viviente de que este proceso es genuino y funciona. Su amor incondicional, su paciencia y generosidad alimentan mi planta del bhakti, que lucha por crecer en medio de tantas malas hierbas.

Quiero ofrendarle mi existencia, Quiero desprenderme de todo el egoismo, de la ilusion y las trabas para ser una partícula útil en este gran movimiento de Sankirtan.

Su aprendiz de sirviente

Vrshabhanu Nandini dd