Krishna Pramodini DD

4 years, 10 months ago by msrinu in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obessiences all glories to Srila Prabhupad and on your lotus feet!

Sorry for the late annual report . I was confused because we are thinking about coming Houston having your association there. We did not think about annual report on blog. we are extremely begging your forgiveness for that.

·        Everyday doing 16 rounds mostly trying to finish in morning. Doing morning program (Still not attending mangal arthik)

·        Book distribution in our neighborhood and Indian stores.

·        Attending weekly temple program and doing prasadam service and other services.

·        Reading Bhagavatam and Nectar of Devotion in conference calls everyday. We used to study Chaitanya Charitamrita before my trip to India, now we are thinking to resume the same.

·        Doing Bhakti Sastri ( We are in BG 17th chapter) with Richmond Sanga under “Divyanam Prabhu”.

·        Following regulative principles.

I really want to express my gratitude at your Vyasapuja in Houston, but unable to do due to shyness and nervous in front of you and many devotees.

I am so blessed to have your darsan in Houston. We missed this year your association in Richmond. I really want to say thank you ( thank you is not enough) because you are such an affectionate, responsible and wonderful spiritual father, who is always guiding us and taking care of your children.

Please forgive me if I did any mistake and bless me to have strength to follow your orders in Prabhupada’s mission.

We hope to have your darshan in Richmond in this year.

Your Servant

Krishna Pramodini Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you!!!! AgtSP! Paoho. Was so nice to see you in Houston, then in Richmond and then to get to this letter. It came while we were traveling so it is slow to get answered. Faster response explained in the Kapi Dhvaja, Letters to the Editor. You seem to be 100% on the right path. Just continue and learn how to move faster. Krsna has more and more service for us, here and in Goloka!!