5 years, 1 month ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - AGTSP!!! These are very chastening words for us. It is so easy for us to fall into bad rounds unless we chant!! We hope you become a paramhamsa very quickly! You were going to go to Mexico with Mataji as Pujari's, no? Guru prasada Swami told me that he wanted you to come but there were problems organizing it with the Temple managment!

AmD - Hare Krsna Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!! Perdone la tardanza al enviar la ofrenda, el viaje a Arequipa y el Sankirtan nos distrajo un poco, pero mejor tarde que nunca.

HpS - Ibas a México con Mataji como Pujari, ¿no? ¡El gurú prasada Swami me dijo que quería que vinieras pero que había problemas para organizarlo con la administración del Templo!

AmD – Por ahora se enfrió esa posibilidad, todo iba bien, nosotros pedimos consejo a Aravinda Prabhu, Asta Saki mata, Janardana P. y otros, y en la comunicación con Kesava Swami y una Mataji encargada de la gestión no se pudo definir el servicio y facilidades que nos iba a corresponder allá, y la comunicación se cortó ya hace un tiempo.

Por otro lado en Arequipa los devotos quieren abrir un centro de predica, solo tienen que hacer unas gestiones. Y hemos conversado acerca de eso, quizás sea una bonita posibilidad establecer nuestra base de predica en Arequipa. Usted piensa que México podría ser un buen lugar para nosotros? Que le parece lo de Arequipa?

HpS - Ambos aprecen bien. Hare Krsna!!!!! Claro, es bueno viajar a otro pais para experimentar el mundo de Krsna!

Por nuestra parte, con mucho temor hemos aceptado ser mantenidos por Krsna y viajar un poco, y a pesar que nos falta fe y confianza en Él, Él se está encargando de nosotros. Puedo experimentar que por intentar seguir sus consejos, querido Gurudeva, todo sale bien. Por ahora hay menos ansiedad, concientes que va a haber dificultades en este mundo, pero esperando los arreglos que nos tiene Krsna, nos gusta las aventuras...

Gurudeva la ofrenda que le enviamos es para glorificar al Guru fidedigno representante de Srila Vyasadeva, pero al igual que Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur Usted siempre se presenta muy humilde.

HpS - AGTSP !!! Estas son palabras muy castigadoras para nosotros. ¡Es muy fácil para nosotros caer en rondas malas a menos que cantemos! ¡Esperamos que te conviertas en un paramhamsa muy rápidamente!

AmD - Es justamente esa cualidad suya que entre todas las que tiene resalta con notoriedad. He visto como muchos se esfuerzan por ser humildes, pero eso para Usted no significa esfuerzo, le sale natural. Cuando un corazón purificado como el suyo carece de deseos materiales, el cielo de su jardín se torna despejado, y aunque por la influencia del cuerpo, las modalidades y otras particularidades materiales aún puede que permanezcan ciertas nubes que de vez en cuando parezca que oscurecen el Sol del Santo Nombre, aquellos rayos radiantes del sol disipan la oscuridad permanentemente con el canto, y el devoto de ese nivel tiene constantemente asociación con el Nombre puro, que es Krsna mismo. 

Particularmente me siento muy bendecido de solo considerar que soy un discípulo suyo, aunque en realidad aun lo seguimos aspirando. Mi corazón tiene nubes y niebla, y solo aspiro a sujetarme a sus pies, estoy seguro que por hacerlo podré mantener su asociación y la de Srila Prabhupada, y algún día con su bendición podamos ver algunos rayos filtrarse. Gracias por aceptarme a pesar de mí desgraciada naturaleza. Su aspirante a discípulo AmD

HpS - AGTSP !!! These are very chastising words for us. It is so easy for us to fall into bad rounds unless we chant !! We hope you become a paramhamsa very quickly! You were going to go to Mexico with Mataji as Pujari's, right? Guru prasada Swami told me that he wanted you to come but there were problems organizing it with the Temple managment!

AmD - Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva, please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!! Sorry for the delay in sending the offering, the trip to Arequipa and the Sankirtan distracted us a little, but better late than never.

HpS - You were going to Mexico with Mataji as Pujari, right? Prasada guru Swami told me that he wanted you to come but that there were problems organizing it with the administration of the Temple!

AmD - For now that possibility was cooled, everything was going well, we asked for advice from Aravinda Prabhu, Asta Saki kills, Janardana P. and others, and in the communication with Kesava Swami and a Mataji in charge of management could not define the service and facilities that would correspond to us there, and the communication was cut a while ago.

On the other hand in Arequipa the devotees want to open a preaching center, they just have to do some work. And we have talked about that, perhaps it is a beautiful possibility to establish our preaching base in Arequipa. Do you think Mexico could be a good place for us? What do you think about Arequipa?

For our part, with much fear we have accepted to be maintained by Krsna and travel a little, and although we lack faith and trust in Him, He is taking care of us. I can experience that by trying to follow your advice, dear Gurudeva, everything goes well. For now there is less anxiety, aware that there will be difficulties in this world, but waiting for the arrangements that Krsna has for us, we like adventures ...

Gurudeva the offering we send to him is to glorify the reliable Guru representative of Srila Vyasadeva, but like Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur You always appear humble.

HpS - AGTSP !!! These are very punishing words for us. It is very easy for us to fall into bad rounds unless we sing! We hope you become a paramhamsa very quickly!

AmD - It is precisely that quality of yours that among all that it has stands out with notoriety. I have seen how many strive to be humble, but that does not mean effort to you, it comes naturally. When a purified heart like yours lacks material desires, the sky in your garden becomes clear, and although due to the influence of the body, the modalities and other material peculiarities there may still remain certain clouds that occasionally seem to obscure the Sun of the Holy Name, those radiant rays of the sun dissipate the darkness permanently with the song, and the devotee of that level constantly has association with the pure Name, which is Krsna himself.

Particularly I feel very blessed to just consider myself a disciple of his, although in reality we still continue to aspire. My heart has clouds and fog, and I just aspire to hold on to his feet, I am sure that by doing so I will be able to maintain his association and that of Srila Prabhupada, and someday with his blessing we can see some rays seep. Thank you for accepting me despite my unfortunate nature. Your aspiring disciple AmD

HpS - Wow! AGTSP. This letter was translated so many different times that we lost track of which was the translation and which was your answers, but we think we understand. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!!!