Hare Krsna Rama. Pandaveya prsni das.

4 years, 11 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva


Agt Guru Gauranga

Please accept my humble obeisances.

I´m Pandaveya prsni das, from Spain.

ASA - I'm Tom Brown from Hubei

I wish You are perfect in all aspects, I wish read more in the DTC of today about You, all days I see.

This time I haven´t any Iskcon association, it was a very dry time and space…I wish have association in Nrsimhadeva or Gaura purnina in Nueva Vrajamandala or in Valencia in a near future.

Preach ... I preach all I can to the people around me, some more information than others. I try to give this gift all I can, one way or another, especially the gift of the "Mantra Yoga" meditation with the transcendental names of God ... I don't try to give other knowledge unless I am asked for more information, and I am generally asked for more information on why the names of God or why Hare Krishna, then I explain more. I do not usually explain anything institutional unless they wish to know, and this is not usually the case, they generally want to know more, some, but nothing about institutions.

It is also true that I am generally not very long in one place, and I think I give them enough information so that they can find more in the future if I am not, and I think it's quite in my circles, I don't do a very complex preach.

My philosophy is that people do not decide one way or another, because I do not usually see many results, but that they learn a tool of transcendental meditation, and I put my confidence that Paramatma will guide them then. So I have seen many more results over the years, of course in my circles, which are usually very normal.

Sorry about your concerns for me.

Please accept my humble obeisances.


Pandaveya prsni das

ASA - Super. Vijaya just brought some Prasadam and Bhoga and we gave him a little Peruvian bag with four, 18-bead, Japa malas and five Upadesamrtas!!!