Vyasa Puja Offering

4 years, 9 months ago by aradil in Other

Dear HH Hanuman Presaka Swami Maharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your divine lotus feet.

I’ve been thinking a lot about your character and your unassuming nature lately. While I’ve been contemplating my place in the world of ISKCON and even my place in this world in general, it is challenging to understand how to stay sincere while sharing/preaching Bhaktivedanta philosophy; how to relate with another without falling prey to their doubts; or even how to convince a person without religious connotations or pressures. To be able to preach effectively is a deep skill I have yet to have, and I hope to learn this and so much more from you.

HpS - AGTSP paoho sorry it has taken so long to answer!!! Even now we can't read everything, so best just to read what we can now and maybe read it later!!! So sorry!!! But was so nice to see you all in Boise. Our heart is still full with all the association, thank you.

This past spring, as we attended your Jung Philosophy lecture at the Boise State University, I was really appreciating your “Teacher’s Hat”. I could see you as, not an ISKCON sannyasi, but rather, a learned college professor who had ACTUAL experience in the world and of what you spoke. You did mention you were a part of a religion, but your depth of character showed me that, you were much, much more than just a member at a church. You were a professor, a lover of psychology, some could call you a jnana yogi, some a Jung enthusiast. And with all these different facets of character, and the depth that comes with, people become attracted. Not superficially, but deeply. Deeply they become attracted to their own true characters, to their own completely beautiful and pure personalities they know very well, but which have been covered by ignorance, sleep, and dust of material nature.

You specifically have helped many grow to understand who they are, and that depth of character does not come easily. It doesn’t just take becoming attracted, becoming Harinama initiated, Brahman initiated, Sannyasi initiated. It comes from true-life experiences, or some may call it, the ‘hard knocks’ of life. Knowledge needs to be realized and Maharaj you know that. You know that although the process is blissful, the likelihood for the majority of us to come out from these battles with maya, free of wars scars, is actually pretty unlikely. And you have given shelter to so many who have had the pious credit, the courage, the open heart and the humility to do so. Personalities such as Radhika Raman Prabhu, Murari Prabhu, Kamagayatri Devi, the Palakalas, Nitisara Prabhu and those who have taken guidance from you such as Ananta Rupa Prabhu, Gopal Hari Prabhu, Balabhadra Prabhu, Upendra Prabhu and his family. Because of these devotees, I, a “free, American girl” could come to Krishna Consciousness and be inspired. Because, although very sound and soul jerking, Krishna Consciousness is not just the philosophy. Krishna Consciousness is about character, it’s about sincerity, and purity. It’s about being honest with yourself, seeing where you are at, striving to feel and know your relationship with Krishna, and maintaining good thoughts of and for other devotees.

So, I am inspired by your character, Maharaj, and I feel blessed by you for I suppose so many reasons. I hope to continue learning from you and your devotees. I aspire to be a good devotee to help represent your work. I’m inspired to lead a good example, maintain my vows and fulfill the yoga system as thoroughly as possible with Krishna in sight and mind. Please bless us here in Boise. May your great work and the works of your devotees continue throughout the world as long as possible. 

Your aspiring servant,

Anadi Radha dasi