Hare Krsna Maharaj

4 years, 10 months ago by lakshmi108 in Other

Hare Krsna dear Maharaj! 

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obeisances! 

All glories to you on your appearance day. I hope you always have good health to continue being the Awesome Guru that you are. I really hope you come to visit Australia some time soon. Otherwise, when I get a job, I can travel to where you are. Please bless me so that I may always remain Krsna conscious and be of service to Guru and Gauranga!

I was in India for a month actually and it was really amazing!!! Also not very money friendly hahaha. Almost all of my savings are gone. So I’ll be looking for a job come New Years. 

Sorry I haven’t written to you in a looong time. Actually I always think about what I will say but I never do. I should not just think but also do!!! This can be by New Years resolution. 

Anyway, actually my laptop is in repair right now so it’s not the easiest to type a lot. When I get it back, I have a lot to share about India and some other things. 

So, again dear Maharaj, I wish you all the best. I remember my father saying something about not being too sentimental about such things. So I’m just trying to be as simple as possible I guess. 

Our whole family sends their regards and wishes and we all miss you. Hopefully, by Krsna’s grace, we can meet again. 

Also, I would like to thank you for everything you have done. You are always there to help me when I need it and I’m very grateful. Thank you!!

The Harinam party continues, GAURANGA!!

Yours servant, 


HpS - Thank you. AGTSP.... paoho... We are in Boise, now! We hope you are realizing the importance completely reawakening our K. C.! We are all going to die. It is how we live that counts, no? Any more letters from you? We will look. Please read our "News" at www.JayaRama.US