Banana Llama......Thank you once again Guru Maharaj!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj!! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your Lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Today is solar eclipse.....hope you would allow me to share a sweet realization ....

HpS - Yes, yes, but the bitter realizations are very nice also.

Yesterday we were informed by one of our senior temple devotees that we would follow the Govindaji Temple norms....of not giving darshan about 3 hrs before the eclipse , which meant...we would not be getting mangal arti darshan.....we were so upset. We thought we would at least sing the Vaishnava songs . When we reached the temple, just 4 of us, including our temple president, HG Radhacharan Das Prabhuji attended. No songs....just pujaris doing the offerings behind closed doors...soooo upset. Then we 4 decided to chant together. We chanted ...and by the time we completed 2 beautiful rounds....could hear and feel our Srila Prabhupada chanting with us....I thought it was an auditory hallucination...but the voice continued for such a pretty long time till our group chanting ended . Thank you Guru Maharaj for your immense mercy. Only you can do this for us Guru Maharaj...

HpS - Night of the Living Prabhupada!!!! I thought that there was no deity worship, neither behind or without closed doors, during the influence of eclipse. For sure we can chant the Gurva astakam during those times, no?

Our online bhakti sastri is with The Mayapur Institute. HG Padma sundari DD is taking our Module 1 classes. Other teachers are HG Yugala Preeti DD, HG Padmanayana Das, HG Krishna Keshav Das.We are informed that NOI classes will be taken by HG Vidvan Gauranga Das. All from Mayapur institute.

HpS - Very nice!!!!

Started reading the CC from today. Please give us the mercy to understand the pastimes of Gauranga and to serve with love and devotion.

HpS - We read it right before Mangala arati daily. We are in a 7-page long purport where Srila Prabhupada presents the refutation by the acharyas of sankara acharya's mayavadi commentary on the vedanta sutra!

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Can you make a frog from chemicals!!! What about a tadpole??? (small one?). Can you make people smile?