All Glories to srila prabhupada!
All Glories to you
Jay sri vraja dham!
Thank you very much for your association in Chile... And for your inspiring classes, this year has been a year full of challenges, it was good to be in Chile for a while and do service for the preaching program (krishna west) , I studied energetic healing at one holistic school, I found that they have a very good system because it helped me a lot, to work with my inner childhood demons and that kind of stuff.
I'm chanting my rounds but with many, many offenses, my teachers told me that I have asperger syndrome and its difficult for me to concentrate in diferent environments, i will have to make a better effort f9 that, but I get up very early and in chile I used to go to the temple. Now I'm in florianapolis, Brazil so we do fmp at home with my friends.huge gayatri issues, sometimes i forget one of the three..... Am i closer to Hell?
ASA - No, but always try to improve!!
It took me many years to accept myself, but this year I finally decided that I don't want to go against my nature anymore, since im hurting myself for no reason , I tried to convince myself that I could be with a male devotee and get married because of the influence of the Vaisnavas, many years, when I am not really attracted to men, so that was a big mistake, and I think that I could a have a nice spiritual life with a Vaisnavi, I consider the masculine nature very intense and uncomfortable for me and my spiritual life. I hope you understand me 🐼
HpS - Basic principle is that we are not the male or female gross or subtle body. Rama candra took a vow of friendship with Sugriva. That is just as permanent as marriage vow with Sita, no? There is absolutely no idea that there was any, any, any sense gratification in the relation of Rama with Sugriva or Sita devi! So if you like having girl friends, that is fine. If you want to make some vows of dedication in that relationship, but we think it is crazy to call it marriage. Marriage is between partners of the opposite sex to have children. Hmmm of course there is Vanaprastha. Chant 16-nice rounds and follow the four principles strictly.
I am translating the books of H. H. Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha maharaj, one of his sevakas asked me if I could do it, as they had no one to do it in Spanish , so I accepted, it is a blessing , since i had the opportunity to meet him before he left his body. And we are making arrangements to work remotely at Nios treasury department, along with prabhu OM from Chile. I hope to help you as best as I can and I am very happy for your next vyasapuja, I would like to have your blessings to return to India for a while and continue my ayurveda studies, and get inmerse in Radharani's seva.
HpS - God bless you!!!! Who is Bhakti vallabha tirtha Maharaja? One of Srila Prabhupada's godbrothers? Were there two with the same name? Picture of three TASMANIAN Devils attached..
You are a very amazing soul. Get to work! Send news.
Please forgive my offenses
HpS - Haven't noticed any!
Y S.
Radha carana d.
Panamenian devil