report 13

4 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous node :10625 .... date 20191218

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

Holy Man, your humility drives us to you, thats a BIG fact...because humility is first step of knowledge BG 13.8

association matters a lot. just will power is not sufficient it seems..

HpS - NOI, "sangat sanjayate kamah..." BG chapter two... Our desires and ambitions develop from the company we keep. We use our will power to chose our association!!! So nice to read this old letter. It is like old Prasadam.

our daily associates are none, sometimes we read Srila Prabhupada books.. we figure out that we read till now SB for information about cosmic world, history and ofcourse Krsna. Never studied it actually for transformation or with praying heart. (such a fool)....

HpS - Try Lilamrta and Caitanya caritamrta at Eg. Read Lila-amrta during breakfast. CC afer morning bath!! Can be short,, but regular.

finally we have to accept standards of 2 rounds per day minimum, even if death comes, thats what Vow is .

HpS- Lettuce see later letters.

personally we would like to chant 16 rounds but still not at the level of ready to die for.

nothing much we can say to you.....

His your grace asked us is node 10641

Is your better-half with you there?

answer :no, they might shift with us in April when new academic session starts

Is Swami Parikshit's karma becoming more clear?

answer: seems yes, he is singer, music composer, musician... good for sankirtana...

Is Mataji going to apply here PhD?

answer: not sure , we might go for second child.. so she might take rest and do full time job of motherhood.

Is SHE making friends and associates there?

answer: No, she does not feel women staying near, are appropriate for conversation... she hooks on to her son and mobile phone for people

Picture of the altar in the local ISKCON center?

answer: will give in next letter


sparrow, trying to dry ocean of faults... GARUDA please help..

dont pray when your work, dont work when you pray.. HA HA.. I will take care of ocean, Captain is on the way, just keep boat intact.. OK...

HpS - Next letter. Sorry we are not stronger, more constant in our work.