Urgent : Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj

5 years ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Gurudev, Your 70+ Years old body has huge enthusiasm like a 16 year body. 

  You are always as per NOI.

  Blog is full of none spiritual material stuff. All complains about material nature, 

  very less talks about Krsna. You patently read all those stuffs and reply!!

  You have huge collections of secrets / realizations about Krsan, which you can

  easily share with us but as all write about their complain so you stop your

  self to write or express yourself. While, all those who are practicing seriously, 

  need those secrets for spiritual progress.

  All are highly intelligent and know that spiritual master is for spiritual queries only. 

  but they lost their intelligence when they write to you.

HpS-ASA - AGTSP!!! Paoho. It seems we are all mixed devotees and so we sometimes, often, usually think of our body and mind as our selves and relate to Krsna and Guru by those media.

One esteemed disciple in Argentina told us that it had taken him seven years to understand that we were his spiritual master and not his psychologist. It impressed us and gives us impetous to purify our relationship with Srila Prabhupada.

If I ask you how your new job is, it is not material, no? I want to know what is your situation for your Yoga. Arjuna! was engaged in maybe the most material occupation, civil war but Prabhupada says it was a very difficult "Bhajan" but he did it very well!

Of course, we, like you, do like questions that stimulate our thoughts about Krsna.

Ultimately we are like many devotees, you (?), we have decided that Harinama anukirtam in the dust of the lotus feet of Prabhupada is the best service for which we can aspire.

How is your new job? Is a Sankirtan strategy developing for telling them about Krsna?

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das