KDPC "Slovenia"

5 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:

Pamho. AGTSP

One devotee sent me this message

Adi Lila is Jiva Shakti's wife

Hare Krishna, Candramukhi mataji !


Mataji Adi-lila (from Slovenia / Peru) told me to contact you if we want to invite HH Hanumatpresak Maharaj to visit us in Slovenia next time he comes to Europe.

So how do we do this ? :)

We are great fans of Mataraja's preaching and would like him to deliver a series of classes. Please let us know.

Your servant,

Radhe Govinda dasa

HpS - Next time we go to Spain we might come! How that are your from Czeck Republic?