part of village

5 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj , PAMHO, AGTSP.

hope your "letter answering" marathon is going great, monkey and piggy must be helping you even though they are tired.

ASA -- Whoop! Whoop! Oink! Oink! agtstp..... paho...

trying to get local help, but somehow not fruitful as expected, still we are continuing.

we take your instruction very seriously [i] if we can solve our problem in particular circumstances then 10000 people will follow us.. na dhanam na sundri,, may be we want janam... anyways we hold our position with this perspective..

[ii] if you can get big position at university, that will help a lot..

we wanted to ask more elaboration on " be part of village" in

[Try to get your marriage part of a village]

what should be priorities of criteria of village selection

HpS - I don't think priorities, rather understanding the postion of the people in the village. eg. S(he)it is a vikarmi. Recomends more Ballywood and Bombay Pilsner to improve family relations. NOI 10... Then associate with them. Horses are social animals, no.

[i] local dialect\culture [ii] religious culture [iii] professional growth..

HpS - Of course, death. Unless we wake up the soul, what is the use of any of this? If they do wake up the soul then they are useful, dialect, job, religious practices!



HpS - What is name of your new school??? Who are your associates there??