Guru Maharaja

5 years, 3 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category B

Hare krishna dear guru majharaja, PAMHO AGTSP! I am eager to see you, I´ve got some questions about the Guru and Acarya, Who is the real guru?, Some gurus accept Vyasa Puja for them because they are gurus, even feet washing, then why you said that Vyasa Puja should be directed to the acarya if you are also guru? Others do not say that as far as I know. More questions when I see you. I have read that one devotee is making you strong and smart questioning about this theme. Don´t you absorve the karma when a fallen sanyasi or someone who has officialy fallen, chanted on your japa of diksha initiation?

Your fallen disciple, Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa Mexico, City, by the way, things are getting clear among god sisters.

HpS - Yes, we can talk of Guru tattva in Mexico. Basically Srila Prabhupada is Founder Acharya for you, me, everyone in ISKCON, no? Then he left over one-hundred volumes of instruction so why should we be confused, no?

Basic principle is chant Hare Krsna and be happy.