Banana Santa Suggestion

5 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I was wondering that since amavasya is coming, in the next KD the KPC may be written not just in the part of Letters to the Editor. It can be put in the Calendar, for example. So that the readers must read the whole KD in order to get the Priority Code.

ASA - Haw! Haw! Haw Ray! The same devious thoughs passed through our demented brains also. Ha! Ha! Hare! Maybe we wait on more issue (Piggy of Compassionate Heart) before we start to hide it in devious ways (Monkey of Cunning Mind)?

Tomorrow is my last class in the Diplomado of Teaching English as a Second Language. It lasted for 4 months. But it was really intense.

HpS - So now you can have more time for Brahminical activities???!!!! Recover your lost soul. Spend more time in the Groves of Vrndavana with your sister with Krsna? What is you Mission? Girl espionage agent for Golokula? Our lives are only booring or frustrating because we are not responding to the invitations from the Gopis and Radha krsna, and the cow herd boys!! Are you going to take Ulysses, Meow, your sister, mother, father, et al back to Goloka?

See you soon

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

ASA - Very soon!