Kirtan Event 2

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

ASA-We got this while we were traveling, months ago!

Thank you for your reply. In reply to your questions, the kirtan event is in April and September or October, fitting with events in the Dutch Yatra calendar. We prefer Vaishnava holidays, but are not attached to it.

So far we had five hour kirtans where people sing preferably 45 minutes or an hour. Some sang 30 minutes. I prefer longer kirtans for deepening the meditation. We've had the Damodarastakam, but generally we just chant Hare Krishna. We mix seniors with juniors who are in good standing. Besides that we still work on inviting Manu and his good wife (Radhadesh Mellows), Kadamba Kanana Swami or Sacinandana Swami. And perhaps 6 hours is worth the experiment (12-18).

HpS - Long time, but some may be ready. Advertise for early starting time for more advanced souls?

I'm still looking forward to make it to Spain whenever you are there, but so far i failed.

Your aspiring servant,

Raghava Pandita dasa

HpS - O.K. Send news of your April Kirtan experience!.