
5 years, 4 months ago by kmohan12 in Other

Hari bol, Sri Hanuman Pratseka (Preshaka) Swami

My name is Kunti Mohan. I believe I last ran into you at the Bhagavatam class you gave in Boise Idaho this past year. I thought it was really great. I just wanted to offer my sincere apologies if I came across arrogant in any way when I was wondering how psychologists and the field of psychology had to do with bhakti. I realize as you include in your posts, that many bhaktas have many different preaching engagements that reach out to different levels of people with different compositions. I sincerely apologize and I hope you are able to forgive me for my lack of understanding. I see the great benefit in reaching out to all types of intelligences and helping them to surrender by their intelligence to Sri Krishna, Guru ,Sadhu ,and Sastra. I also appreciated how you spoke in the class how the Bhagavatam details all the mental, mind ways people are entangled and the pathway out of that which is detailed in the Srimad Bhgavatam. Thank you so much for all your Inspiration and Seva to everyone. Most sincere all glories to you.

Haribol, Kunti Mohan

HpS - Thank you for your letter, Prabhu. We don´t remember the event, so I guess we can smile and say it was not a great trama for us. It is correct though that we have to be careful that we do not become like the people we reach out to if they are not pure devotees!

Please send us news of your Sankirtan!!!!!