You're insignificant servant

5 years, 1 month ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

You're Devine grace Hanumatpresaka.please accept my humble obeisances.all glories to srila prabhupada.all glories to you.

I was enliven to receive your card,what a great Kali yuga relationships are unlikely to florish if there not cultivated.

Eternally grateful for your association.youre time is of the essence so I'll get to the know material life.eating, sleeping,mating and defending is easy for me.(exclude mating, it's non existent for me). where as my spiritual life is both sublime,and challenging,even though my Japa is offensive,I get great benfit.

After four or more years of soberity on memorial day of this year,I smoked some pot.i take full responsibility and won't blame association,etc.

My temple in Sammamish wash.has a new policy that if there's a fall down one has to wait two years before reapplying.they are not aware of my case.all other regs are fine.thought of giving up my practice,but srimad bhagavatom is my saving grace.and by the grace of krsna, I'm still inspired.speaking of SB this is how I got your association,thru iskon desire tree.i'm on SB.08-12-6 and looking forward to your lectures.

After reading your card,I opened up my phone for my nightly class and you're lecture automatically started playing.even though I'm not at that section yet,I had to I said my life can be sublime.everything rest on krsna.

I'll let you rest from this demon.again eternally're insignificant servant.mike jarvis

HpS - This letter was sent months ago. Sorry it took so long! Actually a Temple cannot make this two year standard... We sending a letter out to all the authorities in our Latin American Zone about this. Guru's or Temples have to follow the basic GBC standard for recomendations and initiations. That is sic months for recommendation and one year for initiation.... but be careful!