Urgent: Creating association

5 years, 4 months ago by Kamagayatri in Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Gurudev,

Please accept our most humble obeisances.

All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

We wanted to get your blessings on an endeavor. We have been associating with new devotees on Friday and Sunday: one who is a former disciple of Muktananda and another a former LA temple Bhakta (20 years ago). Both are pretty sincere. I asked them if they wanted to read scriptures together at the temple. They seemed relieved almost that I asked them (both are new to Boise) and we have our first meeting tomorrow. Also I asked a few other bhaktin types (Alicia, Andrea, etc if they would like to join a women sangha group and a some seemed enlivened by the subject. Ananta Rupa gave permission for the group meeting on Tuesdays at 7 and now we hope to also seek the blessings/permission from you Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Yes!! AGTSP paoho.

God bless you!

Also, with your permission and guidance, it would be the most practical and most honorable task to follow your current Tave Pache Pache (you are also welcome to say no of course and we will understand). Since I attempted to follow it a few years ago as a befuddling spectator and participant, I am somewhat familiar with the contents. Also when questions arise we could seek guidance from the Bhakti-Vaibava crew: Sundari Radhika, Sugopi, Sreenivas, Radhika Raman and Ananta Rupa etc especially when preparing for the upcoming meeting. Also with your recommendation if you deem fit, we could read 2 verses a week (starting with NOI) for the first 30 minutes, then read the study guide, answer questions together as a group, and have a short discussion (similar to the current Bh. Vai. format).

The main personal purpose is to create a sangha to study together, learn content together, and follow a schedule to study (following the guidance outlined in TPP Preface). The other aspect is the new comers who are really interested need association and especially need association with Prabhupada (then it may stick! who knows...). We are putting urgent in the subject field only because we somehow blurted out this idea to the woman folk this Sunday (it came from the Supersoul or from our desperate mind, who knows?) It may have come out of inspiration after hearing your recent reviews of NOI last week and we had a great desire to do Bhakti Sastri again (we tried to join a Gita Nagari group, but were rejected due to it being over capacity at over 80 students!!). We just know we can't do it alone, but we are hoping in this format and with guidance it may be possible. We apologize for not asking first. We are interested in your thoughts/opinions/guidance.

Thank you so much.

Your aspiring servant,

Kamagayatri Dasi