Hare Krishna

5 years, 6 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you Gurudeva?

HpS - AGTSP paoho. I guess we are like everyone. This place is guaranteed to be filled with distress. The happiness is not real happiness. It is relief from distress. Only happiness is dying so we can live!

We have just come back from NVM. There, we have celebrated Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s appearance day. Beautiful days surrounded by very nice devotees.

On Janmastami’s day, Radha Govinda Chandra premiered a suit in Lila and pink colours. They looked very beautiful. I am very happy, I could participate in the making of their bracelets. Beautiful and elegant cristal ones for them in such a special day.

NVM has several families with children living in there right now. So, Nimai and Sarasvati also had a great time with friends.

Now, we are back home, getting ready for back to school. We are also working on the academic contacts and organizing the sat sangas we will resume in September. I am also looking for some devotees to help me with the Spanish Child Protection Office. I have to elaborate and impart workshops for parents and local CPO teams in different Temples, but I need a team to do it.

Thank you for your Twitter, Blog and all the things you write. It helps me a lot during the busy days I have got.

Waiting very happily to see you soon in Spain. Your servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Srila Prabhupada has made so, so, so many nice devotees, and they give so much nice realization to the world. Without him what kind of world would it be?