Regional representantion report 08 (URGENT)

5 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in good health, recovering enough strength for the Education and Sacred event, if you allow it, we will be accompanying you in your service.

I'm giving you the 8th report of the Ministry representation to date:

  • Educational material has already been delivered to Bolivia. I sent the Introduction to Bhakti Yoga course developed by Jiva Sakti prabhu, LAD and the one I am developing in Chosica, in addition to Yadunandana Swami's study guide and complementary material from Australia.

HpS - Super. Read the books with guidance!

  • Additionally, the Bhakti sastri course developed by NIMSAR and BS study guides of VIHE and the Mayapur Institute has been sent. We trust they will find this material useful for the development of their educational program. The next step is to collaborate with them to acquire Bhakti sastri certification and achieve autonomy.
  • Regarding the Bhakti sastri certification, it is necessary for us (Peru) to recover it. For this I sent you an email asking to put me in contact with the BoEx devotees in charge of this. That way, Candramukhi dd. can perform her service as an examiner for the Peruvian yatra.
  • I have had conversations with the Arequipa devotees (specifically with your disciple Ramananda Raja das), to develop a basic education program for their yatra at the request of the local board of directors. They are asking for courses on Vaisnava etiquette, Deity Worshiping, Cooking, Kirtan and other fundamental topics. I think it's great, from this experience we can develop academic programs, or at least, study circles that may be the first step towards educational autonomy. The workshops will start on September and the first one will be taught by Anandamaya prabhu (Vaisnava etiquette).
  • Isvari mataji and I are working on the standardization of the Introduction to Bhakti Yoga course through a printed and official study guide that serves as work material for teachers and students. For this we are considering all the material developed in previous years for students in Chosica, Wilson and Miraflores temples. Once this material is finished, we will do the same with the ISKCON Disciples course to avoid capricious interpretations and to establish a minimum quality standard for official courses.
  • We already sent the article to Viplavah thanks to the careful correction of Rahika Ramana prabhu. We hope it meets the demands. Thank you for the opportunity!
  • Finally, we have been attentive to the development of children's education program in Chosica. There are parents and devotee teachers involved in this program and they meet weekly. The only drawback is that there are very antagonistic positions that erode the enthusiasm of the devotees involved. Despite this, they are managing to develop a project that I will share with you as soon as they send it to me. It is important for the managers of this project to receive advice on successful experiences, such as yours or other initiatives in America. As soon as I have it in my hands I will send it for your review.

HpS - I hope the work we are doing at the international level will be useful to you. Your work is going to be able to change things on the international level also. Hanuman Dad our Yadunandana Swami from Spain might visit to help us. Welcome to the cultural revolution meant to save the world!


Personally I will tell you that we are very happy, serving in the pujari on a regular basis and learning many things about worship. Since Indira Sakti and I have received the second initiation thanks to your mercy, dark aspects of our character have been revealed but at the same time we perceive things from a more appropriate perspective and with a much more positive attitude. I'm not sure that one thing is related to the other but it is what is happening. Meanwhile, we are under your shelter, that of Srila Prabhupada and the incredibly compassionate Sri Sri Radha Madana Vihari.

HpS - We plan to see Them in less than eight weeks and get Their mercy also!

Have a very happy Janmastami dear Gurudeva

HpSb- It was tough! Four days of festivals in a row! Couldn't get to the mail. 😀

We miss you so much

Your little servant

Gandharva dasa