Do you live to die!
Just dance with Krsna!
Don't have any other ideal?
Today we had our program on line and packed to go to Chosika.
We crushed the Olympic barricades and picked up Mathuresa and Mataji at the door of the Wilson Temple. Then the Caturatma drove like the devil and got us to chosika by 8. Srnagara arati, very beautiful.
Gurupuja and Parikrama around the hall.
SB class on sb 2.7.27, no administrative cholera here.
Tickle tackle we crow and cackle with funny friendly folks.
Drama by M, Yugala's little army of little folks on Ambarisa saved from Durvasa.
FIRE SACRIFICE - INITATION, WILLFREDO, LAWYER, BECOMES, VISALA DAS, AND gandhara das and indira shakti devi dasi take second birth.
Puspa gopal, Karuna krsna, Abhirama, CMDD, AMD, KMDD, Bh. Jose... full house, Prasadam and back to Limo!!!
Headaches, 7PM.
All dark outside. The Olympic athletes reported having naughty relations!
Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna He!!!
Reviewed the proposed GBC Constitution. Freaked out! Seems terrible!
So many nice people in this movement!!!!
O.K. Hari Bolo!
Dancing and herding cows. Milk for the Gopis.