urgent: Sunday feast at Sri Govardhana

5 years, 6 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

And the last day of His Holiness's visit to Mar del Plata arrived.

The entire community was ecstatic with the transcendental visit. The most intimate day is coming, Gurudev on the farm.

We began with the class of Caitanya Caritamrita given by His Grace Panca Tattva prabhu, who felt a little intimidated by the fact that gurudev was among the listeners. Many questions arose and they were answered by Gurudev, we feel that we abused of his mercy a Little, technically, it would be three classes in one day. If Gurudev's doctor reads this, he would get mad at us. Gurudev seemed calm and happy as always.

Then the class would come with the children of the Gurukula, Gurudev began leading a bhajan with the harmonium and then spoke with the children about the importance of music and celibacy for spiritual advancement.

At noon the class arrived at the Sunday feast. The weather was ugly, so we had to rescue some devotees from the mud. There were people, more than usual.

Many things happened during Gurudev's visit. The Sakti of advanced devotees.

We hope to see you soon Gurudeva !!

You show us that this process is scientific and real!

Trying to follow it !!

Hare Krishna !!

Fiesta de domingo en Sri Govardhana

Y llego el ultimo dia de la visita de Su Santidad a mar del plata.

Toda la comunidad extática con la visita trascendental. Se viene el dia mas intimo, Gurudev en la finca.

Comenzamos con la clase de Caitanya Caritamrita dada por Su Gracia Panca Tattva prabhu, quien se sintió un poco intimidado por el hecho que gurudev estaba entre los oyentes. Muchas preguntas surgieron y las termino de responder Gurudev, sentimos que abusamos un poco de su misericordia, serian técnicamente tres clases en un dia. Si nos lee el medico de Gurudev se enojaría con nosotros, el parecía tranquilo y feliz como siempre.

Luego vendría la clase con los niños del Gurukula, Gurudev comenzó liderando un bhajan con el armonio y luego hablo con los niños acerca de la importancia de la música y el celibato para el avance espiritual.

Al mediodía llego la clase en la fiesta de domingo. El clima estuvo feo por lo que tuvimos que rescatar del barro a algunos devotos. Hubo gente, mas de lo habitual.

Muchas cosas sucedieron durante la visita de Gurudev. El Sakti de los devotos avanzados.

Lo espermos pronto Gurudeva!!

Usted nos muestra que este proceso es científico y real!!

Intentando seguirlo!!

Hare Krishna!!