Urgent Sankirtana in Bs As Argentina

5 years, 5 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category A

Hare Krsna

Hope you be super in your visit to Mar del Plata.

We have been talking with Professor Carlos Rua, Director of Oriental Studies at the Universidad del Salvador, and he has had a good impression of the conversation he has had with you and is willing to collaborate in many aspects, not only to write on Solaris but also to collaborate in difucion, participation of the activities, events to be carried out and in maintaining new dialogues. Rati Manjari has approached him the possibility of writing a few words about the meeting he had with you and has addressed these words ...

Dear Professor Huber Robinson:

Interreligious dialogue is an essential element for understanding and approaching different cultures. The exchange of different points of view, the Darshanas as the Hindus would say, is fundamental for personal growth. Sharing the experiences of life is enriching for every person and a growth in the search for a sense of one's own existence.

I was very appreciative of the talk we had and I greatly value the time given. I hope we can meet on another occasion I greet you very attentively,

Dr. Carlos Manuel Rua

Director School of Oriental Studies

Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Oriental Studies Universidad del Salvador


it is also possible that he is an interviewee for the documentary of education and the sacred.

Thanks for your efforts and inspiration.

i attached the letter written by Carlos Rua and photos of you together

your servent Ambarisa Das

HpS - ASA --- We saw the letter from the Professor. It is very nice. Our meeting with Prof. Nantes was also very nice. We can only hope that the super intelligence and beauty of Srila Rupa Goswami will be an explosion in their lives. See you again in three hours.

Hemos estado hablando con el profesor Carlos Rua, director de Estudios Orientales de la Universidad del Salvador, y ha tenido una buena impresion de la charla que hatenido con usted y esta a disposicion de colaborar en muchos aspectos, no sola para escribir en solaris si no en colaborar en difucion, participacion de las actividades, eventos a realizar y en mantener nuevos dialogos. Rati Manjari le ha acercado la posibilidad de que escribiese unasa palabras sobre el encuentro que mantuvo con usted y ha dirijido estas palabras...Estimado Profesor Huber Robinson:

El dialogo interreligioso es un elemento imprescindible para la comprension y acercamiento de las distintas culturas. El intercambio de distintos puntos de vista, las Darshanas como dirian los hindues, es fundamental para el crecimiento personal. Compartir las vivencias de vida es enriquecedor para toda persona y un crecimiento en la busqueda de sentido de la propia existencia.

fue de mucho aprecio para mi la charla que tuvimos y valoro considerablemente el tiempo dispensado. Espero poder reunirnos en otra ocasion lo saludo muy atentamente,  

Dr. Carlos Manuel Rua

Director Escuela de Estudios Orientales

Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Estudios Orientales Universidad del Salvador


tambien es posible que sea un entrevistado para el documental de educacion y lo sagrado .

gracias por sus esfuerzos e inspiracion

adjunto la carta escrita por Carlos Rua y fotos de usted con el.

su sirviente Ambarisa das