News from Radhakunda. VERY URGENT

5 years, 7 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



My dear guruji:

Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

Sorry for disturbing you again but we need your help.

One friend of the family wants to visit Peru, specially touristic places like Machu-pichu, he is an Indian citizen and he needs an invitation letter to visit Peru.

He is a very influential political person in India. He is the Chief Policeman in whole Madhya Pradesh, one of the biggest states in India.

Giridhari says "a very big guy here"

We were thinking that maybe the President of the temple in Chosica can issue this invitation letter for him and maybe invite him for prasadam some day.

We would like also to contact Drstya Divya, maybe she can help him to plan his trip and book hotels and guide him there.

We do not know yet when will he go, he's starting to plan his trip visiting Peru, Colombia and Mexico.

I don't know if you have also one disciple in Colombia who can help him to have a nice trip. Hes not an Iskcon devotee but he respects and helps devotees very much. It would be great if you could meet him in Peru and establish a relationship with him since, thinking in the future, he can help us when you decide to come to live in Radhakund with all government papers.

He's helping now Giridhari to do his visa thing.

My dear guru Maharaja, We would appreciate very much your help in this matter, please tell us who can we contact in Chosica to be able to help this person.

Thank you very much for your mercy.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!! I thought we answered this letter!? Sorry. We are traveling like mad now with crisis every hour. In Colombia I don't know anyone. In Peru we also don't know anyone who could handle this officially but I will send a letter to your email address with copy to Abhirama Thakura Das. I think maybe he can help.

Of course he speaks spanish.

Thank you.