Personal Sadhana report

5 years, 5 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

O spiritual master! You are nondifferent from Lord! you are giver of divine wisdom to the conditioned souls like me. Kindly accept my repeated Obeisenses to your divine lotus feet. All glories to you. A glories to Srila Prabhu pada. Maharaja please make me ennable to assist you in the service of the Lord.

HpS - AGTSP paoho Thank you for your letter. I hope you are reading the DTCs and the Kapi Dhvaja. Then you can understand that while traveling it has been IMPOSSIBLE to answer all of the very wonderful letters that we get. We see maybe 100 people in a day while traveling. Here in our base camp we finally have some time to answer mail. We are a very selfish person. If we have any good qualities it is because Srila Prabhupada has taken a spark of devotion and used it. AGTSP!

I am very very happy to receive a response from you. Maharaja we are going on Bhagavatam class every morning lecture by Banamali Prabhu and Ramanuja Prabhu and also performing kritan every Sunday. We have also done basic Arcana procedures under the guidance of Ramanuja Prabhu. I am seeing Kapi Dhvaja as you instructed . I am 10km far from the Temple.

Hare Krishna

Your unworthy & unqualified servent

Nandi mukhi Devi dasi

HpS - More news. Send a letter so we can answer it before we start traveling again. How do you occupy yourself during your days? Who are your associates? Do you tell them about Krsna even indirectly eg. the taste in water, the light of the sun.