Urgent Schedule In Mar del Plata

5 years, 6 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I´m in Buenos Aires, so i hope i will see you very soon, like in a few hours. Mybe we can discuss some things personally.

Here are the details of the program in Mar del Plata. So you can make some suggestions.

Schedule for HH Hanumatpresaka Swami in Mar del Plata. 16th July to 22nd july 2019

Arriving Tuesday 16 th july 6:25 pm. AR 2608, leaves from BS AS 5:25 pm.

Panca Tattva Prabhu will pick you up at the airport.

You will stay at Sri Govardhan Mandir with good internet connection.

Personal assistant, asrama, clothes, prasadam, transportation. Panca Tattva Prabhu.

•Cronograma de Actividades•

🌱Miércoles 17 a lunes 22 de julio de 7:00 a 8:00 clase de SB (ruta 226 km 22.5) (habrá transmisión online por el siguiente link➡ https://zoom.us/j/204956520). Do you want to lecture in any particular topic? Scheduled is wed SB.3.16, thu, fri, sat, SB 1.2, sun CC, Mon SB 3.16

🌱Miércoles 17 en la 📍Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata de 17 a 19:30 hs. "Educación y lo sagrado". Conversatorio junto a Susana Violante, Phd en filosofía. Evento organizado por la cátedra de Interculturalidad y Salud de La Escuela Superior de Medicina. Original intention was to co-organize with University, but University President said he doesn´t want any religious activity, so he suggested we organize it as an event from our department. We invited him anyway, hope he attends. This philosopher is atheistic. So this event can face some resistance to our ideas. There will be a moderator. How do you want to organize the dynamics of the program?

🌱Jueves 18 de 17 a 19:30 hs Aticma (Corrientes 1725) "Educación y lo sagrado". Conversatorio con líderes de la ciudad. This event will be very interesting, mayor candidate, politician from university, social leader, school principal and an evangelican pastor. How do you want to organize the dynamics of the program?

You have an appointment with ophthalmologist at 12:15 pm, in a different place tan last year. Here you have to options, wether to stay in town until the program, you can stay at my center (wont be activity that day) or return to SG which will be one hour round trip.

🌱Viernes 19 en el 📍Centro cultural Osvaldo Soriano de 15 a 18 hs. "Educación y lo sagrado". Conversatorio con el Dr Schinder y Jorge Ungaro. Intervalos musicales. Canto de mantras y presentación a cargo de estudiantes del PSOMIJ (Proyecto Social Orquesta Municipal Infanto Juvenil). This program will be with two very favourable persons, a physician with jewish tradition very esoteric person, and a mathematician super nice person. This program will have 40 min of music presentation, devotees and Youth orchestra. Any Suggestion for the program?

🌱Sábado 20 de 18 a 20 hs Conferencia acerca de ¿Qué es un hombre educado? 📍El Loft, Bolívar 3715. This will be a program mainly for devotees and people who attends to our programs!! I suggested that title cause i saw you were lecturing about that topic in Peru.

🌱 Domingo 21 de 12 a 15 hs Clase acerca del Bhagavad Gita en 📍Sri Govardhan.(ruta 226 km 22.5). Here you will have two lectures CC and Sunday feast. We will like you to give like a question and answer session with gurukulis. This would be 10 am. So, do you prefer not to give lecture in the morning?

Lunes 22 de julio de 7:00 a 8:00 clase de SB (ruta 226 km 22.5) (habrá transmisión online por el siguiente link➡ https://zoom.us/j/204956520).

Leave to airport at 11:30 am, return to BS AS, flight AR 2605 leaves 1:25 pm, arrives 2:25 pm.

Thank you very much Gurudev to visit and enlighten us. I hope this attempt to help you in your Sankirtan pleases you,

At your service,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - AGTSP. It was very nice having your association last few days and refining the schedule. See you tommorrow again.