News From CBR-AU

5 years, 5 months ago by Madhvacharya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Sayana Ekadasi .

(edited for the Blog )

Hare Krishna 

Dear Gurumaharaj 

Pamho , AgtSp 

I been thinking aabout my second initiation , In the past I got a recommendation from Ramai Swami but due to some setbacks with the local management, it didn’t go forward and couldn’t even sit the exam. 

At present there is no public activities here with the Ashram/ temple , since the council close the premises to host Sunday programs, festivals et all , and also [........................................................] , there is time to reflect , re organise and show commitment with the congregation members .

Another topic that I like to let you know is that II been contemplating the idea of relocating to U.S. more exactly in Houston . One reason is because DHANANJAYA is already 4 Years old and for me is very important about his education in a more supportive devotional environment .

Here in Oz we got gurukula in New Govardhan Farm but there is no work for me close to it , Since all big hospitals are very far from the Farm . Goswami Academy looks like a good option for my son .

Besides in the past I asked to Patita pavana das and his wife Abhaya mudra ( they are our Jyothishis /Consultants ) to make an Astrocartographical report for me in which I know how I am configúrated for the whole world and in that particular area all along central U.S . And its western coast I have very favourable lines to live and expand my sankirtan . The place that I living currently it show his influence on me as well but mostly with my career , job opportunities.

As a single parent there is a lot of big challenges ahead I m still doing non clinical work , as a Medical Instrument Technitian .

Well, I will see how the flow will go with me in the short future .

Thank you for your time

Please , from the bottom of my heart forgive my offenses

And the lack of communication with you

But really I feel unworthy 


Your servant 

Dandavats ________0__

Madhvacharya das .


HpS - Thank you. It is so hard to criticize anyone doing management. It is a hard service. Managing six kids or managing six temples. Your ideas seem nice. I usually have my desires and push firmly for some time but if it doesn't happen then I stop. Several times when I gave up there were miraculous events that any simple person would see as the hand of God.