report 4

5 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj,


dont know what to write or report. but still as committed to write fortnightly report. We could see your problems you are facing travel with 72 years old over worked donkey. dealing with fools like us (preaching in western/western oriented world is very very difficult). Salute to your resolute purpose.

some question you asked in previous letter

  1. Learning to cook for Krsna. Do you have a fixed number of rounds/day that you will do until the next report?

now our family is staying with us in bodh gaya. so we are not cooking. may be it is a mistake. we dont know much to cook. can cook only rice based dishes or dishes which can be fried. one maid comes in morning cooks for afternoon and morning, and then wife cooks for evening.

our target is 16 rounds a day. but this week we fizzled out. fighting with body is tough.

2 How long will you stay at your present location?...

minimum one month.we have given multiple job interview, lets see if they materialize.

maximum, we dont know...

little hopeless for ourself (may be we are not trying that hard) ... good to see you that there devotees are there to encourage and take care of you, whatever way they can...

in nutshell i think we degraded from last report, may be not able to fix family in daily schedule.

tired of shooting in smog, need some breath/food.


Previous report at node 10282

HpS - AGTSP paoho. It is just a benefit for us that you write with you news and effort. Now we will look at report number five. Then a few more letters and DTC for you et al. Obeiscance to the Parikshit and Mataji.