Hare Krsna Maharaj

5 years, 8 months ago by lakshmi108 in Other

Hare Krsna dear Maharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

Sorry for the delayed response. I've been procrastinating with exams and everything else. For each of my exams, I studied either on the same day if it was in the afternoon, or the previous night if it was the next morning. This is at least 4 weeks of content I crammed into a couple hours XD. Anyway, I managed. I know I should not be repeating this behaviour. I will try and change my habits next semester, perhaps with little improvement 😂. I'm just aiming for a pass so I hope I did enough to achieve that.

By Guru and Gauranga's mercy, I think everything will go according to plan. I know Krsna helps those who help themselves. But really it is only by Krsna's mercy if I'm passing. Now I'm on holiday!! For a month, yay! Hopefully I can be productive.

Thank you for always responding to my messages. I know you have a very busy schedule and I very much appreciate the time you take to reply. They are very meaningful. All Glories to You! And your service to the fallen souls such as myself.

HpS - AGTSP if you follow Monkeys Diary of a Traveling Creature then you know where we are. Buenos Aires. We have an elefant steps on your head headache around the corner. It is a lot stress, cold, dark, but the devotees ask such good questions and the Seminars are full of people. Even a dog can take part and dance in ecstacy. Hope you get an assignment, with examinations, from the Big Teacher in the Sky!!

Thank you for correcting me as well. Since you said, I found my beads and have been chanting on them. Speaking of chanting, I hate to admit this but I have been very lazy and slack. I may blame study but I know it is all about time management. I simply don't prioritise it. And that needs to change. I just need to find something to motivate me. And ideas perhaps? I've been in so much Maya. I think the only way for me to improve is to just go live in the Ashram. But if the desire is really there, I can do my sadhana at home. It's all about the individual. Please bless me as you are already doing so that I may continue my chanting every day. I have missed some days and many of them, I don't complete all. So now, I have a large number of leftover rounds to catch up on.... Please forgive me.

I have another question regarding this matter. When we are chanting, is it bad to be in a relaxed position? For example, laying down or slightly tilted. Perhaps it is not the best way to concentrate on the mantra?

HpS - Sit properly!! As much as you can. Chanting with the devotees is great!!!!!

That is all I can think of for now. I know I always have more questions but they escape me when the time comes to put them on paper, or LCD in this case 😂. Actually I had another question before but I thought I should not put it on here. And actually, very shortly after, I went to a class in the temple and my question was answered. Can't have been a coincidence. Krsna has a plan for everything!!! Jai!!

Actually, I think the only way to pick up my spiritual life is to just keep reading and chanting. To not stop. Otherwise, the less I do, the less I want to do. The more I do, the more I want to do. I just have to change my mindset. Please guide me.

HpS - Again God will guide you! He may be a little rough, but He will do it. Watch out!

Bheemsen and family are all good!! My family in Baku is very well, it is summer there now. They are looking after my great grandmother. She is quite old and requires a lot of care. So much of their time is spent on her care. Everyone here is great, working and working. Bheemsen comes home and plays games haha. What else to do for a teenage boy? My mother is working hard. I need to find a job so that I may help out as well. I also need a car so I can start driving to the temple more often hehe. Nandini is quite academic, always studying. I think she is the most smart out of all us kids.

I wish that you may visit Brisbane sometime soon to shower all the devotees with your unlimited mercy and intelligence and wisdom.

I hope your health is always good and improving. The Lord must personally look after you.

Please forgive me for anything I have done.

Your fallen, foolish servant,


HpS - Mataji, the thing depends on you. If you fail us the whole Pandava army is going dow the drain!